Disc Golf - A First For Us - Hub Throws It In With No Line Of Sight - 150 feet!

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Edgewater Disc Colf Course Map | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

Yesterday something very special happened. Hub didn't even know, or see, so for him, it was just some surreal event, but I actually watched it happen.

Here's how it played out. We were at a new course in Mount Vernon, on hole 5. We'd thrown our first shots off the tee. I've been throwing hubs orange 169 Ballista in Opto plastic. Hub has a couple of different drivers and I think he threw his Yellow 175 Ballista Opto. I threw to a position where I could see the basket and hub threw toward the left close to the "burm" which is the border of this side of the park. 

The Park spans across the road with holes 2 through 6 on the side we were on.

He asked me where the basket was and I said straight ahead of me, past all of the trees at the bottom of the hill. Shortly after he throws a huge slow anhyzer (he is right handed, I am left handed) and it went behind all the trees and then appeared and sort of floated into the basket. Now I watch all of the pro tournaments and have seen these types of shots done by the pros but never in a million years would I have thought hub's disc would just sail into that basket.

So I immediately put my phone on video. For the short video (28 seconds) I am standing where I threw my shot and hub hasn't moved. He hates me to video him but I told him he had no choice after that throw. I wanted to show how far it was. 

So here's the disc we both throw the farthest though keep in mind we are casual players. Our max distance when we get a good whip on our throws are 360' and 260' but we just love the ballista and have a number of them in varying weights. 

Here's a link to the Ballista for you to read the stats on it, and the reviews. This website is awesome for reading up on all of the discs out there. ->Link to the Ballista Opto

And here's a link to Edgewater DGC with reviews and maps-> Link to Edgewater DGC

Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to leave comments or questions, I am here to help!



congrats for Scott eagle eyes. WOW


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