Where Are We Now?

Taking Care of Business - And The Craft Retreat!

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Taking Care of Business - And The Craft Retreat! | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

When we arrived at Thunderbird, we had Thursday and Friday to take care of some tasks, then we sat tight for the holiday weekend. While hiding from the holiday revelers (we live in a campground so we were surrounded!) I spent my time packing for the retreat.

I packed ALL inks, metal dies, stencils and embossing folders as well as all of my tools. Only four (of 15) binders of stamps made...

We're Back To the World That Was - Thunderbird RV Resort

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We're Back To the World That Was - Thunderbird RV Resort | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We drove the very short drive from Chehalist to Thunderbird. Miles-wise it was average for us, but I-5 is much faster than highway 101. We were lucky enough to get a sewer site. DH calculates that its been just under two months since we've had a sewer site. Without sewer we are very conservative with our water usage. We have a backlog of laundry to do and since I am going to be doing alot of...

Back In Washington - Chehalis RV Resort - The Very First Thousand Trails

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Dump Day! | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We drove up to Washington on 101 through Astoria and followed the Columbia River on Highway 30 to I-5. It was a reasonable drive and took about four and a half hours. Have I mentioned DH's strange habit of pulling over when he has cars behind him? Well he does. Thinks it is the polite thing to do when he doesn't want to speed. People always honk and wave in thanks when they pass us by. This...

The Big Event - Our 2017 Eclipse Experience

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2017 Full Eclipse | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We have been planning for the 2017 Eclipse for over a year now. We got the idea of staying in Oregon from DH's sister who wanted to stay at TT Pacific City RV Resort. So, we made reservations there two months in advance, but alas she could not convince her family to make the journey. As the time drew close DH realized that we would need to drive inland as the weather called for clouds on the...

Pacific City - Oregon Coast for the Eclipse

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I am falling behind on logging our travels. It is hard to keep up with no internet or cell service at our site. We are now back to going to the library or the lodge (very slow WiFi) every day.  It is almost like fasting from technology when we camp in a location with neither cell or wifi. I imagine it is good for us. The daily routine is totally different without those two amenities. 


Storage Series - Cardstock

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Storage Bin for Cardstock | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

I have had to purchase very specific storage solutions to fit in the odd shaped spaces in our RV. Four shelves I use for crafting storage are tall and narrow on either side of the fireplace. I searched long and hard for appropriate bins to slip into these slots.

I currently have six bins of this shape, four fit on these shelves, the other two fit under my side of the bed. Our bed has an...

Delta Shores Resort - We're Heading Back Up North

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Delta Shores Resort - We're Heading North | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We packed up in the scorching heat at San Benito. It was a very slow break down of camp starting on Monday which was well over 100 degrees. Even in the shade it was hot with very little breeze. We washed the truck, cleaned and organized our storage spaces as we went along. Living in one place for three weeks ensures we camp creep, pulling out an inordinant amount of "stuff" and that then leads...

Progress Report - The Turning Around Point

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Map Of Our Trip | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

As part of our retirement planning, I created a map to guide us on our first journey. We left on March 15th and knew that we would have to be back in the Monroe, Washington area by Sept. 7 for my crafting retreat. I based the map on my experience with traveling during our working years, and because of this it was way too ambitious. We had been warned to not travel too fast when first going...

San Benito Heat Wave - Moved To Shade

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San Benito Heat Wave - Moved To Shade | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthing.com

Another heat wave is coming so we considered a shaded site. Moving a three slide fifth wheel is not quick nor easy. I wasn't sure if DH would go for it, but he hates being hot and our one AC unit has a hard time keeping us cool in the late afternoon when it is 90s and higher. We took a full sun site when we arrived because at the time there wasn't any shade along the creek. Now there might...

San Benito RV Resort - Our Home for The Fourth Of July

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San Benito RV Resort | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We were hesitant to continue heading south through mid July. We have to turnaround and head up to Washington state for a craft retreat I am going to in September and thought we might be going too far away. After some debate decided to stick with our original plan and go to San Benito. It was a 3 1/2 hour drive and because of accidents on the major highways we took backroads through the farming...
