New Beginning - All That We Have With Us While On The Road

This picture is of a very low cloud bank below the moutains as we drove from Idaho to Washington. We were in Oregon at this point.
I took a short video this morning before we checked out of our hotel. I wanted to capture what we are coming home with before we get too busy. Once we are home I am sure things will change very quickly.
I've laid out all of our stuff. From left to right the duffel bag and most of its contents are new. The cooler in the back right is new and the pillows are new. By some miracle our laptops were in our truck with us which is unusual, it is as if we had some help that morning making sure certain critical items were with us and not in the trailer that day.
Each night when we move into the hotel, we each carry 1/2 of the items and it only takes us one trip to get everything in the room. Easy Peasy!
To keep it simple, we decided to stop buying anything more until we are at our home base of operations for rebuilding. There is no sense in buying a bunch of extra stuff to try to carry or worry about if left in the truck.
We arrive at our final destination tomorrow, and I cannot wait to recover from the 2600 mile journey from Texas back to the Pacific Northwest.
Once I replenish some of my crafting inventory I can make some "fun" videos! Video length 1 min 19 sec.
Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to leave comments or questions, I am here to help!
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