DIY Copic Color Matching Chart

I have a backlog of non 'card' craft projects that I need to work on and this particular project I thought would make a perfect article for my blog. I am making a second chart for a friend. I will see her in a couple weeks and want to have it done by then. I completed my Copic Sketch marker set last fall. I knew that I would be purchasing every single marker because I enjoy coloring larger projects as well cards. If you are a card crafter I believe you would be happy with a set of 36 to 50. There are many colorists who have spent alot of time building appropriate sets for people to consider, I found many references on the web that were very detailed. I went crazy researching tutorials, guides, blank charts etc. Everything I could find regarding Copic markers. I found what seemed to be a great tool for color matching and I set out to make myself one. You just need a free downloadable file from Imagination International Inc (They distribute Copics). Here is the link to the blank file. Once you have the file, your work begins! You get to make your own color matching tool using the file as a guide.
Because I was going to own all colors, I chose to list my colors the same way the rectangular (I need to be specific because they also have a round chart) Copic color chart is arranged. Here is the link to it for reference. But then I bound them on a ring for easy flipping among them. When I created this chart I did not own all colors, so I filled in the colors that I had, but still labeled all of the blocks to color in later. Of all the crazy things, I found one color not filled in on my own chart when making the secont chart... Estimated time to complete: 4 to 8 hours. Longer if you are making a chart for a full set and you want to write nicely. Alternatively you could open the file in photoshop and type all the colors in, I wanted it to look handmade and I like to practice my lettering any chance I get.
- Be sure to use the paper you will spend the most time coloring on. I use Neenah Cover Copy Solar White #80.
- You need 6 1/2 sheets for the full Sketch marker set.
- Certain color sets did not fill the page so I was able to add my small Spectrum Noir collection as well.
- Do not punch the holes out until after you color the block in or you will not get a true saturation of color.
- Be consistent with the amount you saturate your paper, don't go light one layer on one color, then the next three layers heavy.
- There are 4 greys, I chose two per page.
- Browns take up 1 1/2 pages and on the second row of page two I put the flourescents and blacks.
- I did not bother to color in a colorless blender block.
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