Where Are We Now?

Day Excursion To Jerome, Watson Lake And Prescott

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Watson Lake | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

Yesterday we drove to Prescott and found some pretty awesome sites along the way. First as we wound our way up highway 89A, Hub commented on the sign that said no loads longer than 50 feet. We thought that was interesting and then as we wound up and into a small town called Jerome we understood why. We'd been through Jerome over 20 years ago. It is an artsy community built into the side of the...

Travel Days - Four States In Four Days - 1200 Miles - UPDATED

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Travel Days - Four States In Four Days - 1200 Miles | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

UPDATE: I added two videos 

We managed to travel 1200 miles and cross four states from Wednesday to today. Overall the terrain was the same until Utah, Hub noted that we picked the most lifeless path possible to get to Utah. Once we hit I-15 in Utah however, the landscape really brightened up. Hub was surprised when we got on I-15 and the speed limit was 80, yes 80, for EVERYONE. Wow....

What Do You Do At 4400ft In The Fall?

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What Do You Do At 4400ft In The Fall? | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

It rained all weekend, so we stayed inside and kept warm. You would think that in 33 feet of space we would get bored but we're pretty good for a couple of days of being stuck inside. I am deep in the throes of learning YouTube. I have now updated over 50 videos 4x. If I could just NOT edit until I finished learning all I need to know I would have saved so much time! I have to say though that...

Guess What Bend Sunriver Thousand Trails Has?

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Bend Oregon, on the way to Texas | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We had a very long day yesterday, driving 9 1/2 hours from Mount Vernon to Bend-Sunriver Oregon. It was worth the long trek. We arrived just before dark and took the first site that was deep enough for our rig. Parking was a little bit tricky thanks to two slender trees that someone let grow right in the middle of the site entrance. They have lots of dings on them. I was careful not to add to...

Storage Series - Stamps and Dies

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Storage Series - Stamps and Dies  | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

Here is the next episode in my storage series. I talk about how and where I store my stamp sets with their matching dies in our fifth wheel trailer. The entire back space around the couch is my dedicated crafting storage space. I use the narrow end tables for the heavier items. In the long overhead storage I have 15 x 3" binders for stamps and dies, my crop bag, some paper, 4x zippered bags...

Another Moving Day, It Feels A Bit Like Ping Pong

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Stevens Pass Fall Colors With Snow | Tracy Marie Lewis | www.stuffnthingz.com

We finished up our week in Leavenworth with a round of disc golf. The highlights of the round was on my approach shot for hole seven and hole nine. I had to anhyzer left handed over the corner of the tennis court fence (very tall cyclone fence). I am still very inconsistent on any special shaped shots like this. However this shot flew high and at a very steep angle were it needed to go. We saw...
